Node-RED on the Raspberry Pi Goal: Learn how to work on the Raspberry Pi with the Sense HAT. Tips: Node-RED documentation is here. You need to install npm. Search for “npm install linux”. (Or see below) The browser on the…

Lab 4: LoRaWAN and LoPy

In this week, we use Telenor Start IoT’s setup for the LoPy to send data via LoRaWAN into a data collection backend. This is the antenna on the roof of the Electrical Building that connects to your LoPy: Start Tutorial…

Lab 4: A Chat Robot

Alarm System with Camera Goal: Let’s create a more advanced alarm system that detects some movement (with the PIR sensor), takes a picture (with the USB webcam) and notifies you via Slack. For this task, we work again in Python.…

Node-RED In this lab we will use Node-RED on the Raspberry Pi. Node-RED is a visual tool to plug together logic. Article: Introduction to Node-RED Read this article: Introduction to Node RED Video: Node-RED Introduction Video: Sense HAT in Node-RED

The MQTT Protocol Last week we used HTTP to communicate between applications. HTTP was a request-response protocol. This week, we look at MQTT, which is a publish-subscribe protocol. Some useful things to Know About MQTT Read the following articles: 5…

In this lab, we learn how to use a publish-subscribe protocol to send data between devices. In particular, we will be using the Paho-mqtt library for Python and MQTT.fx to connect the two Raspberry Pis to each other, and to…

In this lab, we learn how to send data between applications and use other services. In particular, we will use the Sense HAT on the Raspbery Pi, and continuously publish data to The data is the sensory data from…

Unit 1 Preparation

Before the lecture, go through the following material: The Raspberry Pi This one is a bit of a childish video, but contains some useful information. Feel free to skip it: Connecting Hardware to the Raspberry Pi In this video you…